5k LIVE More Info
Course Description: The 5k Live run/walk course includes a mix of flatter stretches and short rolling hills with an elevation gain of only 133 feet. It's ideal for multiple generations of family runners from Grandparents to Grandkids.
Save up to $15 off your entry by signing up by October 24 until 11:59pm.
Guarantee a race t-shirt by signing up by November 1 (11:59pm).
Race Numbers: Your race number must be pinned (in all four corners) to the outside layer of your front, so as to properly trigger your chip. If you have multiple members of your family running, please make sure that you each wear the correct number (your names will be on the back of each number).
Wave Start Info: Each wave will be 2 minutes apart and allow for a rolling wave start. We encourage those running under 30 minutes to start in the 1st wave- 9:00am; those running 30-40 minutes in the 2nd wave-9:02am; and those running or walking in 40 minutes or more in the 3rd wave-9:04am. Any runners with strollers will ONLY be allowed in a final stroller wave behind all runners/walkers. No exceptions. Wave starts provides the option to be physically distanced, or start at the same time with those you wish to run/walk within your designated wave.
Restrooms: We got you covered with restrooms! Approximately 80 restrooms will be open just inside Albemarle High School's main track entrance. To access, walk through the track's main gates and look for the bathroom signs on the left of the building. We will also have some porta-johns at the race start. To avoid wait-in lines, utilize the track's restrooms.
Please stay tuned to your race emails and follow our Facebook page @CvilleTurkeyTrot for any updates, changes or additional packet pickup instructions.